Friday, March 14, 2014

Want “toned” arms ladies? Look no further than a board press!

 The Problem:

 “How can I get rid of that arm jiggle?” This question was asked to me today by a woman I was coaching at the gym, and it is not the first time I’m hearing it. The back of the arm, or the triceps, are a huge concern for women along with muffin top, cellulite, and thigh gaps. Unfortunately, many of us still have the wrong idea in mind when it comes to a solution…I know because I used to be one of these ladies! Everybody wants "toned" arms, they think that doing hundreds of reps with 1 pound dumbbells and hours wasted on cardio machines is going to do the trick, but it just isn’t so. 

The Solution:

The solution to this problem of so-called arm jiggle is quite simple actually. In order to get rid of it, you must put on muscle! It sounds scary, but in fact this “tone” that we all long for is lean muscle. You are not going to look bulky or manly from strength training – doing exercises that build muscle in your arms will give you sleek “toned” arms that you’ve always desired. From personal experience, I can tell you that lifting weights along with a proper diet is only going to improve your physique, making you appear tighter and leaner, not big and bulky. I am a powerlifter, and my physique has only improved since I began lifting heavy.

How to make it happen:

There are many different exercises that you can use to build muscle on your arms, particularly in the triceps area. One in particular that powerlifters use on a regular basis is especially effective is called the “board press” or “shoulder saver press”. This exercise is used to improve the lock out or the end portion of the bench press, but it has other benefits that can be used by the general population. The board press is an exercise that works primarily your triceps muscles, which again is that problem area that many of us ladies have.
            In order to perform this exercise, you will first need to learn to bench correctly. Contrary to popular belief, the bench press is a full body exercise, engaging many muscles including your abs and legs which is an added benefit for us ladies looking to tighten up. Since this is not a how-to bench press post, check out this article by John Gaglione on how to set up for bench press and perform the movement properly, minimizing injuries and using your muscles to their maximum potential.

Once you learn how to properly set up for and perform the bench press, you can perform the board press. When performing board presses, the movement is exactly the same, but you will either have a shoulder saver pad on the bar, or someone holding a 2 or 3-board on your chest. You will lower the bar until you hit the board, and explode up as you would while performing the regular bench press.

Gaglione Strength athlete Savannah performing the board press with a shoulder saver pad.

Strength training has so many benefits for women, making daily activities easier, empowering us and improving how we look and feel about ourselves. If you implement this exercise into your strength training routine once a week, you can say goodbye to that arm jiggle and hello to “toned” (it’s really muscle!) arms.

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